Choose Gratitude.
If I were asked to name the most life-altering tool for ongoing happiness and contentment, it would be choosing to focus on gratitude. Oftentimes, we find ourselves comparing our lives or our situations to those around us and believe that happiness is linked to our accomplishments. The truth, however, is that we can create a feeling of happiness and contentment right now, regardless of our circumstances. The grass is not greener on the other side- the grass is greener where you water it. By allowing ourselves to live in the present moment, we are able to savor the small pleasures of daily life. Focus on the positive moments and live for today, for we cannot control what happens tomorrow.
So how do we choose gratitude? We choose it with intention and with diligence and with acceptance that it will not always change our moments or mindset, but with time it will transform our lives in the long run.
Here are three ways to cement gratitude in your life:
Gratitude journaling:
I like to encourage my clients to record things that they are grateful for each day. Writing about an experience makes it more profound and has great emotional benefits. Focus not only on the big things, but the small things that make you smile. Focus on the people, the love and the kindness that you see and feel around you.
Gratitude Jars:
Make notes of the things that you are most grateful for on little pieces of paper and fold them all up and put them in a jar; I like to call them “Hope Notes” because they help to inspire hope when you read them. This jar will become a tangible record for you to reflect upon when you need a reminder of all that there is to be thankful for in your life. If you are ever feeling down or need a pick-me-up, take a few “Hope Notes” out of your jar to remind yourself of who and what is good in your life.
Use Gratitude Affirmations:
Reciting affirmations of gratitude helps to shift your mind to having a positive outlook so you can experience the benefits of gratitude continuously. Consider reciting a few of the below affirmations:
My life is filled with an abundance of goodness
I experience gratitude for everything I have in my life
I am grateful for my support system for they help to keep my grounded
I partner with peace today, and I do this through the power of keeping a grateful heart
The more grateful you are, the more present you become.
Shine bright,